Why is my dog having bad soft stool? - cooler stool
Hello everyone,
The name of my dog Rico. It is a 13 months old Golden Retriever. I am from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where the climate is hot. However, their own homes have AC dog loves pretty cool. He eats Eukanuba dry food with fresh cooked chicken meat. Never eat dry food alone. The new chicken stew is a must. Recently, his stools are soft and always lose. It's like if I do not know, maybe diarrhea? But I fear it is because their lives are organized and excursions. What could be causing this? How can her chair back to normal and not as such?
Thank you. Awaiting your reply. =)
I think DP is correct. Goldens and the wrong kind of foods can lead to problems. It could also be the heat and the fact that he can drink more water. Find a food is best for your gold in your area. I do not know what is available for you, but I do my Golden's Canidae all life stages. They are simply wonderful and the love of food.
A good meal is not corn or wheat or soybeans or products of any kind in it. The first few ingredients should always be the meat of any. No fillers.
Ask your vet and see what we can to add your meal
Maybe the food is very rich - it may be that adults will eat, if it continues to puppy food (which helped my dog). And as others have said, he may have eaten something bad, if you are looking for. The chicken pot is perfect in small quantities and as long as no skin (too fat =) diarrhea. It could also be improved. Sometimes dry foods are high in calories and should eat less. Your vet may suggest feeding unsalted white rice with meat or cooked chicken feces in the form again. Good luck.
try to eat at, what they are less chicken without it dry.
lead chicken is really good in the digestive tract and Eukanuba dog food is a bit crappy meat with loads and causes of this problem. Transition to a high premium dog food holistic. Eagle Pack Holistic Select, Wellness, Innova .... Eagle Pack is what I use on all my animals, and we had no problems, money or swithcing our animals to her. www.eaglepack.com and I am sure they are selling in your area or you can have sent to you. but just to be sure ... take a stool sample to your vet and have checked everything, it could be worms, viruses Benin .... just to be sure.
Natures Recipe Wild formula is good food
Nutro uses soy lecithin produced that cause allergies in some large dogs and may your arteries harden over time .... Avoid Nutro ... to continue to receive their food from the menu ... The company has recalled more than 95 of his products are still a place ... Abroad!
Purina less corn EUKK .... Products are the first ingredients ... Yuck!
First .. Consumer Reports said that all foods that are advertised the most severe and usually contain a filler. However, it could be any number of things, traffic, something that he can not, or maybe a doctor or a blockage or an infection gastrointestonal have eaten. Consider it food for a few days and cooked rice, if the problem presists take him to the vet.
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