Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Long Dong Silva Video Ding Dong Ding DONG - How Long Before They Ban Church Bells?

Ding Dong Ding DONG - How long before they ban church bells? - long dong silva video

Other religions can claim that their human rights violated!


lespaul1... said...

Some of you are always on the wrong end of the rod! The
Question relates to other religions try not to do even that. You can tell where to go when trying to ban the offensive boards for Christmas, the Union flag and the flag of England, the office Christmas party, etc. The Muslim
The leaders say they can not find this offensive
is so liberal, left his computer tricks again!

TRUE GRIT said...

I hope, never!

Marilyn T said...

I hope that this is not the case. It would be really things too far.
I currently live in Budapest, and is a beautiful church on my block, with the bells that never hour.At 12 hours every day of the year, when the ring is min.it full 2 to celebrate the defeat of Turks who H UNGARY fell more than 300 one hundred years.I hate to see lost tradistions year.

smellyfoot ™ said...

This is sooo true. Why do I need to hear the bells every hour (some even ding every 15 minutes!). What is reserved for a violation of my rights.

[Please read it aloud Dumb Blonde]

The bells did not make to God or Christianity. So, can remain. Moreover, they sound good!

smellyfoot ™ said...

This is sooo true. Why do I need to hear the bells every hour (some even ding every 15 minutes!). What is reserved for a violation of my rights.

[Please read it aloud Dumb Blonde]

The bells did not make to God or Christianity. So, can remain. Moreover, they sound good!

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