Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Annuity Rules I Have An Annuity That Expires 9/01/2010 I Want $ Now?

I have an annuity that expires 9/01/2010 I want $ now? - annuity rules

I have a pension that can not play until 9-01-2010 ... I need money now, and I called MetLife, rents and absolutely refuse to send me all this til 9-01-2010. Because the money was the profit share in a company that worked for the company and took the money for me, I can not change the rules ... I contacted or even JG Wentworth can help me (the lump sum to pay for an indictment against annuities, structured settlements, etc.) that can not help because I am not a person who has a pension. .. . someone out there with a proposal of what I can do is to get money. .. I will not only have $ 3000.00

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