Friday, December 18, 2009

Pet Shop Characters Pet Scorpions Fighting / Cannibalism - New Owner?

Pet Scorpions Fighting / Cannibalism - New Owner? - pet shop characters

I bought a young emperor scorpion on Wed and is now a grown man (SAT) under the direction of the animal, which would put the two together be a problem.
The female seemed aggressive said it was unusual that the man had taken a like-it-done, "assured me, but the man who dominate" it.
However, less than an hour, a thorn in his mouth and his leg and abdomen of the forceps. (GC). He chewed the bitter and she moves away. (They were separated).
I read everything I could before hand and says everything the pet store told me. I am outraged that may have been a fatal situation, and I know what did I do wrong or if I'm not completely stupid and irresponsible. He is only defending the troublemaker is easy or average. Both are wonderful characters.

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